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Monday, September 23, 2013

Good Wishes for a Best Friend


Can you feel it?
Can you feel this moment? It’s like the end of a long hum. One that you have held on a single breath. A hum that you have held so long that your eyes became heavy and your mind came to rest on that single note—that steady vibration.
You held on—held that hum, that drone—but soon that breath was stretched as far as its particles would allow, and a muted silence began to rise on the tail end of that steady tune.
it is quiet.
Now—it is time for a new breath.
Amanda, it is time to start humming again.

I am so happy for you, my angel. Even if my tears convince you otherwise. My heart is literally bursting with pride, hope, prayers, good wishes, kisses and an overpowering amount of unconditional love.  You are the biggest miracle in my life. And not because you dance with me like no one is watching at any given moment (although that IS pretty incredible).  But because you saw me. You saw me and felt my vacant heart when no one else could. You stuck with me through the most difficult, rapidly and intensely changing years of my life and never once forgot about me or wrote me off—you stayed with me.  And I clung to you like air.

Mandy, you help me find myself again. You taught me how to love, not only myself, but everyone I meet. And I fucking hate people haha.
The world needs more people like you—and because your energy is so insanely infectious, the world can have more people like you.  I remember when you told me they don’t have lightning on the west coast.  All I kept thinking was, they just haven’t met you yet. 

I believe in you Mandy, just like you believed in me.  You can do anything because you don’t cap your mind off at the possible.  There are no boundaries to your happiness because you realize that there are always more good times to be had.  Always more smiles to pass and more love to grasp. I believe you are what God had in mind when he created the Sun…an effervescent endless ball of energy, reaching all that wished to be kissed by it’s touch.  Just like the Sun, you were raised in the East, born to set in the West.  This is your God given path, Mandy.  Don’t be afraid of this next step—this next breath.  This is what you need. This is your chance to cover the world in your rainbow.  And don’t you worry about me—I will keep my eyes on the sky.

I love you to pieces.  I am always, always here for you.  There will always be a place on my bosom for your little head.  There will always be a hum in my heart in sync with the tune of yours, no matter how far, no matter how long.  Be safe my sweet angel.  Don’t let any west coast wackadoodles disrespect you over there. Always rep jersey.  Always laugh loudly.  And always, always remember, with your hand on your heart and a hum timed in tune, you are never, ever far from home.

With love, as deep as the ocean,
your hummingbird,


  1. I shared this during Share Night last week! Thought you all might enjoy a copy!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I dig this, Kat! It's very sweet and real and obviously heart went into it. You avoided cliche and that made it much more real. The "love as deep as the ocean" does border on cliche, so that would really be the only thing that I would change. I won't linger on any specific details just because there were so many specific details that I loved that made the piece seriously greater than the sum of its parts.
